Simone Catharina Gaul | Burkina Faso, Germany 2015 | 64 Min. | OmeU

Bintou is a young dressmaker, living in Burkina Faso and dreaming of a career in Europe. Her European clients are happy with her quick and low-priced work. Bintou leads her life quite happily, between work, white expats’ parties and Sundays spent with her friends. She is making a video diary about her newest creations and loves chatting online in the Internet café. All of a sudden Bintou’s life is turned upside-down when she has to take responsibility for her own daughter again. Seven-year-old Christiane has been living in a children`s home so far, as a result of Bintou‘s difficult living conditions when Christiane was born. Bintou is the portrait of a strong, young woman looking for her place between traditional and modern culture, between motherhood and career.