Millie Harvey | Great Britain, Congo 2014 | 25 Min. | OmeU   

Three years ago a group of women from war-torn eastern D.R.Congo took photos and wrote captions on the theme of ‘I dream of Congo’. In this documentary we meet them to ask about their hopes and dreams for a country recovering from decades of war. We hear from Francois, who was denied an education as a child, holding a photo of herself writing on a blackboard, she says: ‘Here I dream that my children get a good education and learn French and Lingala, so that if a soldier stops them he will not think ill of them for their lack of education’. While Evelyn shows the village faucet, she says ‘I dream of having our own tap so that we don’t have to carry water everyday’. Their dreams vary from the everyday highlighting the routine challenges women from Congo face, to wider aspirations and hopes for their children and for the future of their country. Through their insightful photography and the women’s openness and generosity we get a glimpse into what life is like in this war-torn part of the world, and as they share their hopes and ideas, we see the critical role women play in the rebuilding of their country.