André Lage | Argentina, France 2016 | 79 Min. | OmeU

Mariana, a trans chica, and Raúl, el negro, have been in love for over ten years. In a pink house on the quiet island of Tres Bocas, in Argentina, they live with several pets, a television constantly on and the daily visit of friends. From a scorching summer we are led to a winter of dark mornings, where we witness the concerns of all with the symptoms of Mariana’s disease, which are exacerbated by the cold winds and find no relief from medications. From the lonely daily life to moments of celebration, Los Leones traces the intimate portrait of this marginal Argentinean couple and poetically and realistically reveals their lifestyle, the humour amidst dramatic situation and their relationship’s singularity. 

The film also includes narrative songs that are reminiscent of the Madrilenian underground scene (the Nancys Rubias pop punk band), and also the Angentinian underground (the punk rock band She Devils, and the tropical punk band Kumbia Queers), whose members live in the Island of Tres Bocas and are Mariana’s and Raul’s intimate friends.