Kostana Banovic | Brazil 2009 | 57 Min. | OmeU

‘May I Enter?’ is an art documentary in which the Brazilian belief Candomblé is investigated and in fact experienced. This originally West-African belief reveals a ‘different’ attitude towards reality and other borders of acceptance and communication than those current in the ‘Western society’. The main characteristics are the belief in another, parallel world of spirits and an established contact with spirits through singing, dance, music and oblation. This contact takes shape in a possession of one of the attendants by a spirit during a Candomblé ceremony.

Filmmaker and visual artist Koštana Banović interviews persons involved in Candomblé, films rituals, undergoes ceremonies in which she assumed the identity of her ‘gods’, and joins it to an inciting documentary. Banović is herself visible in the film as me-artist-researcher, who from a position of outsider/insider and by comment in voice-overs, investigates and visualizes the relation between belief, reality and perception.