Teo Guillem | Spain 2017 | 19 Min. | OmeU

It’s hot in this ramshackle attic. Fans, running at full blast, stir the atmosphere, generated by the “exercises” of a weird tenant who manipulates objects. He twists cardboard, builds object castles, admires them, talks to them, breaks them, dresses and dances with them. The ceremonies are repeated and mutated, the environments change and the objects multiply, creating a kind of dissonant choreograph, built with remnants of amateur video. The plot gets more complicated when his memories appear between those objects, and force him to fight in a duel of dances with his past.

presented by

Website Film

Director: Teo Guillem
Camera & Editing: Teo Guillem
Cast: Cristina Perez and Teo Guillem
Sound Editor: Jordi Ribas, Teo Guillem
Sound Mixer: Jordi Ribas
Production: Carlos Pardo, Teo Guillem
Produced by: www.dveinfilms.com

Visions du Reel / Offizielle Auswahl
Guanajuato Film Festival / Experimenteller Wettbewerb
Reijkjavik Film Festival / Offizielle Auswahl
Schönes europäisches Kurzfilmfestival / Erlebniswettbewerb
Alcine / Nationaler Wettbewerb
Unabhängiges Filmfestival von L’Alternativa Barcelona
MedFilm, Mediterranes und europäisches Filmfestival / Spotlight Spanien: Deseo y Mágia
Südliche Grenze / Internationale Sektion
Northampton Film Festival
ZubrOFFka, Internationales Kurzfilmfestival / Experimenteller Wettbewerb
Aguilar Film Festival / Alterationswettbewerb
Slamdance / Experimenteller Wettbewerb
Videoformes – Festival International d’Arts Numeriques
Mecal / Offizielle Auswahldokumentation
Gehe kurz / Offizielle Auswahl
DOKer Moscow International Documentary Festival / Offizielle Auswahl
Ann Arbor Film Festival / Offizielle Auswahl
Athens International Film + Video Festival / Offizielle Auswahl
Aussichtspunkt / Offizielle Auswahl
Experimente im Kino / Sonderpräsentation
L’Œil d’Oodaaq – Festival der Bilder, Nomaden und Poetik
D’A Film Festival / Ein kollektiver Impuls

Special Jury Mention / Guanajuato Film Festival
Special Jury Mention / Nice European Short Film Festival

He works in films, commercials and music videos. He starts Dvein, a director’s collective in 2007. His worked has been showed in MoMa (NY), Saatchi & Saatchi’s New Director Showcase (France), OFFF Festival (Spain & France), F5 (United States), or ArtFutura (Argentina). Aside other awards and recognitions he has also been awarded with the City of Barcelona Award on Film (2012) and the Fine Arts Medal of San Carlos University in Valencia (2013).