Alex Evstigneev | Russia 2020 | 19 Min. | OmeU

World Premiere

How to make a movie on a subject that is not allowed to be filmed? The Golden Buttons confronts this problem in an unconventional and fragmentary way, while diving into the tight and shielded world of the students of a Russian cadet school. The seemingly secretly filmed shots and the subtle arc of tension create an authentic and oppressive impression of everyday life in the cadet school. The road from the first drill to the fully trained soldier is hard and not all the boys are up to it, but still: They learn how to function.

Director: Alex Evstigneev
Camera and Sound: Alex Evstigneev, Liza Popova, Iliya Nasirov
Editing: Sasha Gusarova, Michael Tyukalin
Producer: Alex Kozmenko

Alexey Evstigneev was born and raised  in Shatura, Russia. Currently studying Documentary Filmmaking at the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography n.a. S. Gerasimov (course of V. Lisakovich and A.Geleyn). The film The Golden Buttons is a student film.